• Growth & Transition
    We specialise is in helping companies during a period
    of transition or change – be it rapid growth, preparation
    for succession or exit, capital restructure or adapting
    to different circumstances.
  • Strategic Thinking & Guidance
    Strategic thinking is critical to future success
    It begins with clarity of purpose and objectives.
  • Investment, Succession or Exit
    Strengthening market position, and establishing sound
    governance and operational systems gives prospective
    investors, purchasers or inheritors greater confidence.
  • Governance and Oversight
    Good governance and oversight are essential cornerstones of a successful business.
    The discipline provides a foundation for longer term, sustainable business success.
    Market presence is built more efficiently when owners and senior management
    remain focussed on strategically important objectives.

Building Sustainable Business Through Periods of Change

Achieve Your Potential Through Strategic Thinking

The ability to think strategically is one of the primary differentiators of successful enterprises.

It is especially crucial during periods of significant change. Every organisation will at some stage experience such periods and the ability to develop suitable strategic responses are a key factor of longer term success.

These periods might come from the strains of rapid growth. Or from the need to respond to market challenges such as new technologies or disruptive competitors. 

Maybe new investment is needed, or there are shifts in ownership or management (such as with succession or exit planning).

Whatever the cause, these are pivotal periods.  If properly managed they can set up a new golden era.  If not, they can seriously damage longer term success.   

The ability to look forward rather than backward, to think strategically, provides an opportunity to move ahead of the pack.  The opportunity exists to build sustainable competitive moats for longer term wealth creation.

Who We Work For

Transition Capital works with business owners and senior managers of enterprises with revenues of between $10 and $100million to help navigate through these periods.

Our focus is on building sustainable profits for longer term wealth creation.

We start with high level strategic thinking to assess opportunity, issues and risk, and to measure the impact of potential threats. From this we help develop plans which allow you to make the most of the opportunities which are present.

This is supported by assistance with oversight & governance processes.  These allow for more managed response to change and a more robust organisation.

Much of our work is focussed on business commercialisation, or in preparing the business for investment, succession or exit.

Analysis of specific issues or situations helps drive strategic decision-making, and we are available for either one-off projects or on-going provision of advice.

Steering through change

When is our knowledge and expertise valuable?

  1. When you need to respond to changing market dynamics. 

This might be from increased competitive threats or changes in market structure. It might be from new players or products and technology changes. They all have to be responded to.  Often a shift in strategy or redefinition of the business model is called for.

2. When there is a change in ownership, management or oversight structure.

This includes the introduction of investors or new financial partners as well as the impacts of a merger or acquisition. Succession planning for the next generation in a family business, or preparation for sale or exit are other scenarios where we provide assistance. In either scenario, it requires strategic thinking and careful management.

3. When you are developing and/or promoting growth strategies.

The management of resources (capital) during a high growth phase is critical, as resources can easily be wasted.  Market-based information and objective insight and is critical.

Our specific services include:

  • high level strategic thinking;
  • oversight and governance;
  • becoming investor ready;
  • business commercialisation; and
  • preparation for succession or exit.